Meaning of Life Fitness focuses on mind, body and soul connection. Realizing fitness is more than a number on a scale, it's a state of mind and fitness of life. We have the power within to change our lives, health, environment, and the world around us, but it begins with us. How do we do this? We use the strongest power in the universe, The 7 Principles of
"Love Power".
Meaning of Life Fitness focuses on Love Power Principles, and it allows study of the 7 principles of Love Power (strongest power in the universe) which are
"Humanity, Self Love, Friends & Family, Romance, Gratitude, Spiritual and Present Love." Learning, and navigating life through these principles allows them to transform life by renewing and changing your perspective for the better. Always remember, perspective is everything!
Now before you say this sounds like another self-help program, just know that this is not that. This is unlocking power already within you that you will recognize and cultivate within this program as we do this together. The busyness of our lives, world issues and distractions tend to get us out of balance. Meaning of Life Fitness will inspire you to make